Those crazy Lunn kids

My kids are crazy. It is in their blood. They do and say crazy things. Sit, grab a beer and read about all the reasons why I drink!

Location: Nova Scotia, Canada

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

My son.......Fireball.

Those crazy Lunn kids

Zachary has decided that he doesn't like his name (he's 2). At first he wanted to be called Matt. He would not even look at you until you called him Matt, not Zach or Zachary, but Matt.

Now, his name is Fireball. Do you know how embarrassing it is to call your child Fireball in the grocery store? At the school, "Fireball, come here!" "Fireball, do you want chicken nuggets or a hamburger?"

We were at the campground on the weekend and this old guy stopped by the campfire to talk to the kids. He went around to them all and asked their names. Fireball was last. I was thinking, PLEASE say Zachary when he asks. "My name is Fireball" is what he said. I closed my eyes and screamed inside. The man was great, he said, " Fireball? I love the name Fireball". And kept walking.

Not only has he changed his name, he has changed some of our names. I guess he changes only the ones he doesn't like. My dad is now Clerance, I am Bianca, Steve is Jethrow, Michael is Super Mike, Mason id Water Ball, and Mom is Her Royal Highness. I think Mom had a say in her name! LOL! He didn't change Hilary or Jacob's names, he must like those.

Funny that he remembers all the new names. He's only 2. I hope he goes back to Zach before September. I don't know how his teachers will re-act to calling him Fireball.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROFL! Hmmm, do I want my Elway to marry Fireball? ROFL! That is sooo funny. What a character. Dang lottery. Our kids would have a great time together.

June 10, 2005 12:50 a.m.  

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