Those crazy Lunn kids

My kids are crazy. It is in their blood. They do and say crazy things. Sit, grab a beer and read about all the reasons why I drink!

Location: Nova Scotia, Canada

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Those crazy Lunn kids
Hilary is home from school sick today, I ran into Sobeys (grocery store) to pick up hamburger for Tacos for supper. ANyway, we went up to the cashier and....

Hilary "I really love your hair, it is really pretty"
Cashier "OMG, thank you, you just made my day!"
Hilary smiles "your welcome!"

THEN turns to me and says " Mommy, I only said that because it is rude to tell someone their hair is ugly when it looks like that"

Right in front of the lady. Guess we need to talk a little more about being rude. She almost has it though!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha. Hilary's such a character. Boy you should hear some of the things I said when I was a little kid, I got my mom blushing all the time talking about grown-ups really loud. hahahaha

April 25, 2006 12:10 p.m.  

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