Dentist Visit
Those crazy Lunn kids
We went to the dentist today. Me, Mike, Jake and Hilary. They had a hard time looking at Hilary's teeth, because she doesn't stop talking. Three times I had to tell her to stop and open her mouth. She was even trying to talk with her mouth wide open. Jennifer (the hygenist) was about to rinse Hil's mouth with water, Hilary asked if she "had a sprayer with milk or juice because that's what she prefers".
Hilary has a cavity. Dr. Ramier said he was going to have to give her a star on her tooth called a filling. Hilary asked him if all princesses get those.
I wore my pj top. It is a tank top and does not look like a pj top, but I have no tank tops to fit right now. Hilary announced to everyone that I still had my pj's on. Thanks Hil.
There's no secrets when she is around. She tells it all. From Zach's bug bites to Zachary showing off his penis (which is his favorite thing to do).
Mom was changing William (he's 4 months) and Hilary said "wow, he's got a small penis" Zach says "mine's big, wanna see it" Mom said "nope, that's ok" Hilary says "no, really, you gotta see this" and they (Hilary and Zachary) pull down his pants to show her. She laughed and we laughed when she told us so now it is his favorite thing to do.
Jacob did really well. He's been scared of the dentist since the Dr. Mollar incident where he held Jacob down my the neck (he was 2). They are so good to us in there, they know he is scared of the white coats, so they all take them off before we get there. Another thing to be thankful for. They are great.
The dr. told me that Michael has the nicest teeth. He said that they are almost perfect, and he was really impressed by them. Now to just keep him from hitting them while biking or skateboarding, or worse, getting hit by a puck.
And mine are good too. They want to replace my crown, but I am scared. It will cost alot also, even with insurance covering some of it. Oh well, we'll see.
Off to hockey (Mike) and then baseball (Jacob and Hilary). I am tired already.
We went to the dentist today. Me, Mike, Jake and Hilary. They had a hard time looking at Hilary's teeth, because she doesn't stop talking. Three times I had to tell her to stop and open her mouth. She was even trying to talk with her mouth wide open. Jennifer (the hygenist) was about to rinse Hil's mouth with water, Hilary asked if she "had a sprayer with milk or juice because that's what she prefers".
Hilary has a cavity. Dr. Ramier said he was going to have to give her a star on her tooth called a filling. Hilary asked him if all princesses get those.
I wore my pj top. It is a tank top and does not look like a pj top, but I have no tank tops to fit right now. Hilary announced to everyone that I still had my pj's on. Thanks Hil.
There's no secrets when she is around. She tells it all. From Zach's bug bites to Zachary showing off his penis (which is his favorite thing to do).
Mom was changing William (he's 4 months) and Hilary said "wow, he's got a small penis" Zach says "mine's big, wanna see it" Mom said "nope, that's ok" Hilary says "no, really, you gotta see this" and they (Hilary and Zachary) pull down his pants to show her. She laughed and we laughed when she told us so now it is his favorite thing to do.
Jacob did really well. He's been scared of the dentist since the Dr. Mollar incident where he held Jacob down my the neck (he was 2). They are so good to us in there, they know he is scared of the white coats, so they all take them off before we get there. Another thing to be thankful for. They are great.
The dr. told me that Michael has the nicest teeth. He said that they are almost perfect, and he was really impressed by them. Now to just keep him from hitting them while biking or skateboarding, or worse, getting hit by a puck.
And mine are good too. They want to replace my crown, but I am scared. It will cost alot also, even with insurance covering some of it. Oh well, we'll see.
Off to hockey (Mike) and then baseball (Jacob and Hilary). I am tired already.
Okay, Hilary and Zachary are just alternate names for Maryjean and Jon-Christopher. Maryjean never stops talking and tells everything as well. When we are introduced she says "I'm Maryjean and I'm 5, this is Jon-Christopher and he's 3, this is my baby Elway, she's one, this is Momma and she's 34 and this is Daddy and he's 43." Luckily I'm not embarassed by my name--but good thing she doesn't know our SS #'s. LOL! And Jon-Christopher--now that he's done with toilet training, he does not keep his bottoms on when we are inside. He's always dressed from the waist up and naked from waist down AND he informed Patrick last week that he has the bigger penis. Where do they get this from? LOL!
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