Those crazy Lunn kids

My kids are crazy. It is in their blood. They do and say crazy things. Sit, grab a beer and read about all the reasons why I drink!

Location: Nova Scotia, Canada

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

June 15 2005

Those crazy Lunn kids

Yesterday was field day at school. Mom watched Hilary and Zachary while I went down to volunteer. It was fun, and nice to see the kids having fun. Our school has to have more things like that.

Hilary had baseball last night, she played first base again all night. There's only two innings and she runs to get there first. Noone has stopped her so far. She usually doesn't move the whole time she is playing first. Just stands there, even when people throw the ball to her.

Until last night. This little boy hits the ball (this team was good, they didn't need the tee at all) and comes rounding first. Hilary sticks out her foot and TRIPS THE LITTLE BOY. He rolls, turns looks at her, and keeps going. She was so sly at it, the little bugger. Quickly stuck out her leg and even more quick pulled it back. Noone said anything to her because she looked so innocent, I think they thought it was an accident. Damn she is good. I talked to her about it when we got home. She knows not to do that again! maybe

Zachary and Jacob were playing on the playground the whole game. There was a couple little girls playing there too. They were so mean. They took Zachary's hat and threw it in the garbage, took his shoes (he won't leave them on) and threw them over into the tennis courts. Jacob told them to leave Zach alone, and I told them not to throw his stuff in the garbage or over to the tennis courts.

Zachary was calm. He just came and told me and I got his stuff. I kind of expected him to hit or kick them, but nope. That was until they pushed him down the slide. Then he got mad and ran at them. I stopped him, but they still kicked him before I could stop them. Then we left the playground.

Why are kids so mean? Hilary tripping that little boy (I think she was jealous that he had hit the ball! LOL), the little girls being mean to Zachary. Why? From their parents? From other kids? I am not sure, but those little girls are lucky I am not 4-5, I would have kicked their ass! LOL!!!!!!!!

It is Wednesday, we have William today! YEAH! I love him so much, he is just soooo cute. Zach took full advantage of me feeding Will this morning though. He went and ate 5 Scooby snack packs and coloured his legs with black marker. And it will not come off. Thank god it is only a 4 ounce bottle, who knows what else could have happened.

I will try to get pictures of his legs, it is scary.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh, I would have been furious with those girls. And I might have pretended I didn't see Zachary chasing them down--but that wouldn't have been good. But come on--who cruel!

LOL at the scooby snacks and marker. My kids do the crayon, marker pen thing right out of the bathtub. It's sorta like, can you stay clean for at least 30 mins? ROFL

June 16, 2005 12:53 a.m.  

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