Those crazy Lunn kids

My kids are crazy. It is in their blood. They do and say crazy things. Sit, grab a beer and read about all the reasons why I drink!

Location: Nova Scotia, Canada

Saturday, September 30, 2006

My little hockey hero

Those crazy Lunn kids
Jake was invited to a birthday party and of course I forgot tot get a gift. Guess what he wanted to give this poor child? His autograph. Jacob figured that he was going to be rich someday, a famous hockey player and that by giving him his autograph, he can sell it later and make money.

I went and got him movie money and a book. Jacob was so mad at me he wouldn't talk to me. He says he didn't like that we got this child 3 gifts. The ones I bought and the autograph.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROFL! Tell Jacob he can send us his autograph and when he's a big hockey star, we can say we "knew" him when. :)

October 24, 2006 4:17 a.m.  

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