Those crazy Lunn kids

My kids are crazy. It is in their blood. They do and say crazy things. Sit, grab a beer and read about all the reasons why I drink!

Location: Nova Scotia, Canada

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Hilary strikes again

Those crazy Lunn kids

I took Hil in for her 5 year needles today. She had herself worked up, and amlost hysterical in there. Dr C calmed her down and then went to get the needle. He walks back in the room and sits and takes the top off of the needle. Hilary says, "What do you think you are going to do with that?" He says that it isn't a needle, it is a misquito bit.

So, I hold down her arms and he goes to put it in her arm and she looks at him and in this evil devil voice says " Don't you touch me with that old man" OMG I almost died. He laughed so hard that he almost didn't give her the needle today, everytime he went to do it, he'd start laughing again. I said "HILARY!?!?!?!" and he told me not to scold her because she is only telling the truth and speaking her mind, he is older than her.

Then we go to the pharmacy they were busy, and we had to wait a really long time for them to even come to us. Hilary says "Hey lady, we are waiting here".

You never know what she is going to say. The boys were never like that.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Toilet training, urg.

Those crazy Lunn kids

I really cannot complain. It has only been a week and Zachary is doing really good. He runs everytime has has to go pee, and makes it 98% of the time to the toilet. But he is addicted to flushing. As soon as he hears that bathroom door shut, he screams, " Wait, I is coming" he HAS to flush after each pee. No privacy in this house.

He followed me in the other day and wanted to wipe for me (sorry TMI) I said no, and he said "Yes Mamma, lay down". He wanted to wipe the way we change his bum, LOL!

He only just started pooping on the potty today. I don't think he really understood the whole pooping thing. He'd sit and push and push and then stop himself. I pointed today to his bum and said, poop from this bum (he calls peeing pooping too). He finally said "alwite Mamma" and then pooped, 3 times already today.

Hilary is so glad that Aunt JAime and Uncle Jeff are having a boy. She said she doesn't want to be a Queen, she wants to stay the only princess in this family. Funny how she thinks!

Jacob is doing great at guitar lessons. He practices about 3Xs a week, and still really loves it. He is also doing so well at hockey. He is going to stay a defencemen, not a goalie (yeah!). He is so good at it. He went to his first dance this week too. The school had a dance for all grades and Jacob danced his butt off. He practiced in front of the mirror before we went, but didn't use those moves there. He decided to breakout the breakdancing moves. Oh yeah, spinning on his back and everything. What a kid!

And then there's Michael. He got an invite to an elite goalie camp. It is for AAA players only, and they only invited 3 goalies. Him being one of them. WTG buddy! He got a shut out last night also. 6-0 was the score. That veggie soup is working. He eats a can before every game. Nothing else. And he thinks that it is helping him play well. He doesn't need that, he plays well on his own!

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Preschool application

Those crazy Lunn kids

My baby is going to school next year. 3 mornings a week.He turns 3 at the end of September so he'll be 2 starting preschool, 4 starting big school. My baby is growing up. WAH!!!!!

Now I was filling out the forms today and laughed to myself thinking about what would happen if I answered the questions truthfully.

Tell us about your child, their likes, dislikes and favorite things, so we can get to know him/her better.

Here's what I wanted to write

Well, Zachary is a very energetic little guy. He likes to run back and forth, and around in circles until he almost passes out. He like to feel skin against skin, so will occasionally pull up your shirt and his and rub his belly on yours. He loves to eat. Well, kind of. He wouldn't eat off of his plate, but take him to the hockey rink and he'll scrounge around under the seats and eat all the gum people have spit out.

His dislikes? Well, he dislikes clothes. He can get naked in 12 seconds flat. But don't worry about his feet getting cold because he does keep his socks on at all times. He dislikes peeing and pooing on the toilet also. Watch him, because for some reason, he likes to pee up against the wall. Preferably in a corner.

Favorite things. Well, he loves to play dolls. He pulls the heads off of them and then sticks the heads on his fingers and chases his big sister with them, until she is too scared to come out of her room. I guess you could say playing chase is one of his favorite things also. His big sister is also scared of cabbage patch kids and Zach chases her around the house with one, laughing. He loves that.

Zachary is very curious. He likes to see how things work by breaking things and we have to fix them. He is always climbing on things and thru things, and his life's goal is to sit in the dish washer (keep them locked - padlocked!).

He is into the tech world also. He loves to play with the computer. Although he thought you had to pay for your computer time and stuck quarters and dimes into the A drive. He is thoughtful also, he tried to feed the computer last week by sticking cheese slices into the D drive.

I am thinking I'd get a rejection letter by the time I got home! LOL!

Dummy test

Those crazy Lunn kids

Testing, dummy alert, can't figure this out.

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