Those crazy Lunn kids

My kids are crazy. It is in their blood. They do and say crazy things. Sit, grab a beer and read about all the reasons why I drink!

Location: Nova Scotia, Canada

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Highly Trained Fireman

Those crazy Lunn kids

Krista, Jaime, Mom and I had a mary Kay lady come over to try our makeup for the Wedding. It was great, everyone looked gorgeous. Mom had Minnie mouse eye lashes though, she could have killed someone with those! And yes girls, I will admit I had to ask where my eye lid was. I was scared I'd put the stuff on the wrong part. Thank GOD Natalie (I think that's her name) is putting it on for the wedding. She didn't have to ask where her lids were. I wish I had remembered my camera though. We looked HOTT! LOL!

Anyway, while we were there, I had Jake, HIl and Zac there with us for awhile. Mike had baseball. After the game, Steve came to pick up the kids and when Hilary was running out the door, she choked on her hard candy. Didn't her mother ever tell her not to run with candy ion her mouth???

She was screaming and wailing at teh top of her lungs, so she was NOT choking for real, but she thought she was dying. We calmed her down, gave her a drink and she stopped her theatrics.

Steve left but wanted to get a second opinion since Hil said the candy was still stuck in her back. They went to see Dad at the ball field. Steve left the kids in the car and went to get Dad on diamond 4. They were walking back to the car and heard screaming, they went running, thinking that Hilary had passed out and the boys were scared, but..................NOPE.

It was Hilary wailing yet again. She thought she was going to have to go to the hospital and she was screaming that she was dying. Dad calmed her down, checked her out and decided that she wasn't going to die. He tried to get her to sing to see if she was ok, but Jacob thought he'd die if she did start singing! LOL!

This morning Hilary announced that she was ok, and she was so happy that Daddy brought her to see Grandad. SHe was happy because Grandad is "a highly trained fireman". It was so funny!

She wanted to call Dad and thank him this morning, but when he didn't answer the phone, she was so upset. He called her back soon after that though and mad her day....again!

I think Grandad is her hero. Always was, but now he is highly trained.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Videos of our house.

Those crazy Lunn kids

I went a little fast I think, but you get the idea.

Picture update.

Those crazy Lunn kids

A tea party in Hilary's room.

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Mike's class had a graduation trip. They went to 5 museums and then stayed over night at a 'haunted' museum.
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They did not sleep that night, can you tell by looking at Mike's eyes? LOL!
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Mike is a grade 6 graduate!

Those crazy Lunn kids

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