Those crazy Lunn kids

My kids are crazy. It is in their blood. They do and say crazy things. Sit, grab a beer and read about all the reasons why I drink!

Location: Nova Scotia, Canada

Monday, June 27, 2005

The look off and Boating

Those crazy Lunn kids

We went to the look off down the valley on Saturday on the way to the campground. Words cannot explain how beautiful it is. Breathtaking.

I took some pictures of the kids standing right on the edge and they look like they are standing on a cloud. They are a little dark, I am going to try to lighten them, but I am pretty computer stupdi and don't want to ruin them. Oh and there is a guard rail where they were standing. Noone was in danger, LOL!

Yesterday afternoon when we got home from the trailor, it was hot hot hot. The kids got in the sprinkler for a bit, then we went in the boat. Our first trip, how exciting. AND, Zachary did not try to jump in like I thought he would. He was mad at us a few times because we wouldn't let him lean over the side, but he did great.

It was so much fun, we stayed out for about 2 hours, and had to come back for Mike's baseball game, then we went to Dairy Queen for icecream. What a great day.

Here's some pictures.

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Saturday, June 25, 2005


Those crazy Lunn kids

I just realized that I posted that on June 25, I was 45 mintues late of being my birthday, which is actually the 24th.

Now I am 31 and 1 day old.

Happy Birthday

Those crazy Lunn kids

To ME!!!!!!!!! I am 31 today. It was also the last day of school and it was a crazy day.

Dad called me at 7 am this morning to wish me a happy birthday. He made my day, I love my daddy!!!!!

I had to get up early to get the teachers' gifts ready (I made chocolate chip cookies, gingerbread cookies and cinnamon buns.) I wrapped them up in a basket and with tissue paper. They were all happy to see sweets.

Michael's teacher is retiring, it is sad, he's such a wonderful teacher. They were all crying, it was sad.

I gave Jacob's teacher a basket of goodies, but also something for her kids. They are boxes I made, I am calling them "Love Mom" boxes. They had her kids' names on them and you just write little notes on paper and stick them in the box. Stuff like "you made me proud today because, or today you rode a 2 wheeler, ect" Keep adding the notes and give him/her the box when they graduate, when they get married, or something like that. I'll post a picture. She loved them.

Then we went to McDonalds for lunch with Jaime and Mom. Then we went to the firedstation to visit Dad. Zachary actually sat in the fire truck. I was impressed, he's been too scared to up until today. Then it was to the price club to get life jackets for Me, Mike and Jake. We need them for the boat. Then to John and Leah's for a swim in the pool, was it ever hot and muggy today. Then back home for supper (for the kids).

Jaime and Jeff came over after Steve got home from work and watched the kids while we went for supper. We went to Winners also. I got a pair of shoes and a purse (like I need anymore! LOL) and then to Boston Pizza for Supper, it was nice. No cake though, how sad!

A Jacob Funny--
When we were at the price club trying on life jacket, I said something to Jaime about getting on to fit over my boobs. Jaime said something back about our own built in floatation devices and Jacob looked at her and said, looking at her boobs, "They are real? Man I always thought they were fake" OMG, we laughed, it was so funny!

I forgot, I also went to see DOnna Olsen. SHe is leaving the school that she's working at now (and for the past 13 years) and going to another, she was sad and stressed about leaving, so I brought her some cookies and stuff. When she saw me, she started screaming and crying. She was so surprised and shocked to see me. People thought I was a long lost friend or sister. She grabbed me and hugged me like we haven't seen each other in forever, when really we talk everyday and see each other every second day. I went to make her feel good, but she made me feel good about myself. Nice!

I'll get pictures on next.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Happy Anniversary

Those crazy Lunn kids

Well, it is 9 years today. Steve and I got married June 22. 1996. It feels like it has been forever, not just 9 years. Happy Anniversary Baby!

Jacob brought home a bunch of his school work this week, Friday s the last day. One thing was his journal. OMG. What a friggen lyer he is. He wrote on March 29, that we went to Cuba. He said that we packed all day on Friday, left Sunday and came back on Monday. He wrote that we taped the whole vacation and that the water was warm.

He also wrote that his cousins were over one night to play playstation with him. He has no older cousins. Just William, who is 4 months old. He said that they were 15 and 12.

He's so funny!

A little guy was lost int he woods for 4 days and they finally found him last night. My heart goes out to that family. He is fine, just a couple bumps and bruises, thank god!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Dentist Visit

Those crazy Lunn kids

We went to the dentist today. Me, Mike, Jake and Hilary. They had a hard time looking at Hilary's teeth, because she doesn't stop talking. Three times I had to tell her to stop and open her mouth. She was even trying to talk with her mouth wide open. Jennifer (the hygenist) was about to rinse Hil's mouth with water, Hilary asked if she "had a sprayer with milk or juice because that's what she prefers".

Hilary has a cavity. Dr. Ramier said he was going to have to give her a star on her tooth called a filling. Hilary asked him if all princesses get those.

I wore my pj top. It is a tank top and does not look like a pj top, but I have no tank tops to fit right now. Hilary announced to everyone that I still had my pj's on. Thanks Hil.

There's no secrets when she is around. She tells it all. From Zach's bug bites to Zachary showing off his penis (which is his favorite thing to do).

Mom was changing William (he's 4 months) and Hilary said "wow, he's got a small penis" Zach says "mine's big, wanna see it" Mom said "nope, that's ok" Hilary says "no, really, you gotta see this" and they (Hilary and Zachary) pull down his pants to show her. She laughed and we laughed when she told us so now it is his favorite thing to do.

Jacob did really well. He's been scared of the dentist since the Dr. Mollar incident where he held Jacob down my the neck (he was 2). They are so good to us in there, they know he is scared of the white coats, so they all take them off before we get there. Another thing to be thankful for. They are great.

The dr. told me that Michael has the nicest teeth. He said that they are almost perfect, and he was really impressed by them. Now to just keep him from hitting them while biking or skateboarding, or worse, getting hit by a puck.

And mine are good too. They want to replace my crown, but I am scared. It will cost alot also, even with insurance covering some of it. Oh well, we'll see.

Off to hockey (Mike) and then baseball (Jacob and Hilary). I am tired already.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

I is so lucky to have the friends and family that I have!!!

Those crazy Lunn kids

I am soooo lucky. I have the bestest friends in the whole wide world, who are always there for me. There is a group of our friends, who we all camp together, we are all so close. Our kids are close too.

Wade and Mel with their kids are some of our closest friends. I know if I need anything at all they would be there for me. Mason and Kelsie are like a brother and sister to my kids. I asked Mike if he thinks Kels is cute and he said "EWWW, she like my sister mom." And she is so beautiful!!!

And my kids........they are so awesome. They are all healthy and I really cannot complain (too much) about their behaviour. They are always helping each other, which I love. It makes my heart smile.

And the rest of my family.........well, no one has a support system like we are to each other. My mom and sisters and I went to Wendy's for lunch today, we sat and bitched and listened to each other for an hour and a half. I think they were ready to kick us out! LOL!

And last but certainly not least, my December 1999 mommies and friends. I love those beotches! We started 'talking' on the babycenter before our December 99 babies were born and haven't shut up since. We have since moved to EZboard, because it is easier. They are women who I talk, cry, scream and laugh with. I haven't met any of them, as we are from all over the states and parts of Canada, but I'd know them to see them anywhere. I think we were all meant to be friends. We are sole mates for each other. I hope they all know what they mean to me.

I LOVE YOU PATRICE!!!!!!!!! LOL! Win that lottery and move to Nova Scotia girl.

I also have a friend who doesn't even know me. It is silly, but I feel like I know you Rosie. You are a friend I go visit a couple times a day, from my living room. You've never talked to me, but I talk to you. Weird since I feel like we've been friends forever!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Zachary ate butter

Those crazy Lunn kids

Almost a whole container of butter. I was downstairs cleaning the rec room, came up and there he was opn the floor of the kitchen, with an empty container. It was up his nose, in his ears, all over his clothes. He had dug both hands in and it was up to his elbows.

I picked him up to stick him in the shower and he slipped out of my grip, that's how bad it was. When I finally got him under the water, it was beading off of him. He's like a greased pig. I had to scrub and scrub, but I think the butter and marker (from colouring his legs) is almost gone.

Why????? heehee


Those crazy Lunn kids

We were watching Ellen today, as usual, we have to dance with her everyday at lunch. And here's the conversation.....

Hilary- What's wrong with Ellen? Did she hurt her back again? (she wasn't dancing)
Me - Nope, it is a repeat, but you knowing that she hurt her back before makes me realize that we watch this show too much.
H - a re what?
M - repeat. This show was on before and they are showing it again.
then I laughed at Something Ellen said.
H - Why are you laughing at her? I am funnier than her!
M - Really?
H - yup and I need my own show. And when I do get my own show, I will not take days off for repeats.
M - really? you'd work everyday?
H - (as she's walking away, dancing) yup, and I am of course prettier than her, so people will want to see me all the time.

Yeah, she's not full of herself at all.

June 15 2005

Those crazy Lunn kids

Yesterday was field day at school. Mom watched Hilary and Zachary while I went down to volunteer. It was fun, and nice to see the kids having fun. Our school has to have more things like that.

Hilary had baseball last night, she played first base again all night. There's only two innings and she runs to get there first. Noone has stopped her so far. She usually doesn't move the whole time she is playing first. Just stands there, even when people throw the ball to her.

Until last night. This little boy hits the ball (this team was good, they didn't need the tee at all) and comes rounding first. Hilary sticks out her foot and TRIPS THE LITTLE BOY. He rolls, turns looks at her, and keeps going. She was so sly at it, the little bugger. Quickly stuck out her leg and even more quick pulled it back. Noone said anything to her because she looked so innocent, I think they thought it was an accident. Damn she is good. I talked to her about it when we got home. She knows not to do that again! maybe

Zachary and Jacob were playing on the playground the whole game. There was a couple little girls playing there too. They were so mean. They took Zachary's hat and threw it in the garbage, took his shoes (he won't leave them on) and threw them over into the tennis courts. Jacob told them to leave Zach alone, and I told them not to throw his stuff in the garbage or over to the tennis courts.

Zachary was calm. He just came and told me and I got his stuff. I kind of expected him to hit or kick them, but nope. That was until they pushed him down the slide. Then he got mad and ran at them. I stopped him, but they still kicked him before I could stop them. Then we left the playground.

Why are kids so mean? Hilary tripping that little boy (I think she was jealous that he had hit the ball! LOL), the little girls being mean to Zachary. Why? From their parents? From other kids? I am not sure, but those little girls are lucky I am not 4-5, I would have kicked their ass! LOL!!!!!!!!

It is Wednesday, we have William today! YEAH! I love him so much, he is just soooo cute. Zach took full advantage of me feeding Will this morning though. He went and ate 5 Scooby snack packs and coloured his legs with black marker. And it will not come off. Thank god it is only a 4 ounce bottle, who knows what else could have happened.

I will try to get pictures of his legs, it is scary.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Michael Jackson

Those crazy Lunn kids

How sad. That's all.

At the trailer

Those crazy Lunn kids

Some of the kids laying in bed watching tv, Friday night.

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My bald baby

Those crazy Lunn kids

Zachary must really be as sweet as I think he is. The bug think so too. He had so many bug bites from this weekend that his forehead was swollen. We get home and I stuck him in the bath and his head was bleeding.

So, I shave off his hair. There are about 30 bugbites at the crown of his head and about 10-15 more on his neck. My poor baby. Hopefully we will beable to see the bugs biting him and beable to get them away from him faster. With all that hair, the bugs hid in it and kept biting him.

Here's my baby.....

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Baseball Princess

Those crazy Lunn kids

Hilary and Jacob had baseball last night. We rushed around after getting back from the trailer and we did make it!!!

Hilary was able to start baseball last year because you had to be 5 by the end of the year. Well, her birthday is December 31, so she just made it. But because she was only 4, she was the smallest there, and everyone mmade a big deal out of how small she was. And we all know she loves the attention.

So last night we were throwing the ball back and forth before the game. She asked me if she was still the smallest on the team. I said nope, there is a little boy who is a little smaller than you. She says, "well, I am still the prettiest"

My child is so full of herself. LOL!

Fun weekend!

Those crazy Lunn kids

We went to the trailer this weekend. We had a great weekend. John, Leah, Irene and Alex come down for the weekend too. I had the best weekend in a long time.

Jacob was so tired Saturday night, and was in such a horrid mood. The bugs were bad, so he stayed inside and watched tv. That was fine, until Hilary came in. I had pulled out the bed and she wanted to lay there with Jacob and watch tv. Jacob had a fit and kicked her, then hit and kicked her again.

I told him that he had to go to bed and he was screaming at me telling me I was "the worse mother in the world" over and over again. Ouch. That hurt.

So I get him in bed and then get Hilary in bed. She holds my cheeks and pulls my face closer to hers and says "Mamma, you are the BEST mother in the world" My heart grew again, I was so happy, "thank you baby!" and then the kicker comes. She says "You know I am only saying that to make you feel better, right?" BANG, shot down again.

Jacob appologized, half heartedly but it was an appology. The next day, he was back to his old self again. Happy go lucky, hugging and kissing me, like nothing ever happened.

Other than that, it was great. We sat around the campfire (adults) until 1am, playing truth or dare. I laughed so hard that my face still hurts. If Tim and Tracey send me the pictures, I MIGHT post then. Maybe! LOL!

Friday, June 10, 2005


Those crazy Lunn kids

I had my appendix out in March. Hilary asked me last night why I didn't die. I told her they took out my sick appendix, and if it stayed I might have, but the great doctors helped me. She wanted to know why the doctors didn't just take out Pappa's appendix (Steve's dad passes away a year ago May). She said that the doctors needed take out everyone's appendix and then everyone would live forever. Funny how they think about things.

When George died, Steve was in the hospital with him, I was home (the only day I stayed home). I had to tell the kids. They were all cuddled together under the blankets on Zachary's bed, reading books (they must have knew something was happening - noone was biting or hitting anyone else).

I told them that Pappa had passed away. Michael started crying hard and Hilary just whimppered a bit. Jacob asked about 1 million questions, Zachary was too young to know what that meant.

Jacob wanted to know "where is he now?" In heaven.
"How did he get there?" Angels came and got him.
"Them must have been strong angels to get Pappa all the way up there!" (he was a bigger man).

Weird how they all reacted in different ways. Hilary would NOT let us talk about Pappa, but we could talk about George. It is just the past little bit that she'll say Papp, and not get upset if we mention Pappa. She was also scared because we told her Pappa watched them all the time now, he was their guardian angel. She thought he was some creepy peeping tom now. She locked the doors, closed the windows, and pulled the covers up over her head for months.

Michael wanted to talk about him all the time. Everytime we did anything. He wished Pappa could be there. When we ate, "I wonder if Pappa would like this" Everything was about Pappa, and he cried alot.

Jacob asked all his questions right when I told them the news. Then he was done. He didn't cry, nothing else.

And like I said Zachary is too young. He talks about Pappa still and it's been a year. I don't think he really gets who Pappa is, but he knows his picture.

And then Steve. He of course still misses him. It took awhile to realize that he couldn't just call him. He'd pick up the phone to tell him something, and then remember. He'd call and ask for George and Gloria's room (Gloria still runs the motel by herself).

Oh and me. I think that I didn't have time to really think about him being gone for good. Just like Sept. 11. I was too busy helping to smooth things out that both are just starting to hit me now. I've been thinking about and missing George alot lately.

I love you George, and, miss you lots.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Run wormie!

Those crazy Lunn kids

Wormie ran away. Jacob took him outside at lunch to talk him for a walk and when he turned his head, wormie went into the grass. Run wornie run!

Olivia and Chase

Those crazy Lunn kids

We watched Mary's kids on Tuesday. Olivia is Hilary's age and Chase is 16 months, I think. Hilary was so excited to have a little girl to play with. They got along so good. Mary and Kris just bought a trailor and are going seasonal with us, Hil will have Olivia all summer.

It is so neat to see My kids and Mary's kids play together. Back in highschool, we'd never imagine that in a few years our kids would be playing together. Not that we didn't think that they wouldn't. I guess we just never thought about having kids back then, or atleast I didn't, ans now I am 30 with 4 kids. Weird!

And here's a picture of Zachary, he has a thing with wearing Steve's rubber boots lately. And he can actually walk pretty well in them, considering that they are as tall as his legs are long.


Those crazy Lunn kids

Jacob caught a fish at the campground on the weekend. He named it Fido. He carried that silly fish around in Mel's salad bowl all day, Saturday. (note to self - buy Mel a new salad bowl!) He even went down to the canteen and bought fish food for Fido. Fido was as big as my thumbnail, just a tiny little thing and Jake fed him about 7-8 of the fish food thingys (they are each as big as Fido is).

Well, I think Fido ate all of the food and by the end of the day, Fido was upside down at the bottom of Mel's bowl. Not good. I tols Jake he was going to have to put Fido back ( I was warning him allday this was coming). He cried and cried, bur finally walked the "dead fish walking" walk down to the pond. He stood at the edge of the pond for a good 20 minutes, just crying and holding the bowl, then finally threw all the water into the pond. One problem.........most of the water went behind him, not into the pond. I am not sure if poor Fido made it back home . Not that it matters, I think he was already home, in the big fish pond in the sky!

He comes back up to the trailor, crying. I held onto him for a bit and then asked if he said goodbye. Well, snot was flying tears were streaming and this is what he said.

"Goodbye? Goodbye? Never say goodbye. I wanted to say See you late. But I knew I was" I am soaked by this time, tears, shot, it all blends when Jake is this upset.

I reminded him of Spike, my grand-daughter.(his pet butterfly that he had in primary (he's in grade 2 now). That Spike comes to visit him all the time. He never thought he'd see Spike again, but he sees her all the time, at the trailor, at the house. She always follows him everywhere. He says "Spike has WINGS. SHe cancome see me" Riiiight. I forgot.

Anyway, he got over it, worte it all in his journal and now I have a pet worm sitting on my computer desk. If the child isn't a vet when he gets older, noone will be.

Or maybe an actor! LOL!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

My son.......Fireball.

Those crazy Lunn kids

Zachary has decided that he doesn't like his name (he's 2). At first he wanted to be called Matt. He would not even look at you until you called him Matt, not Zach or Zachary, but Matt.

Now, his name is Fireball. Do you know how embarrassing it is to call your child Fireball in the grocery store? At the school, "Fireball, come here!" "Fireball, do you want chicken nuggets or a hamburger?"

We were at the campground on the weekend and this old guy stopped by the campfire to talk to the kids. He went around to them all and asked their names. Fireball was last. I was thinking, PLEASE say Zachary when he asks. "My name is Fireball" is what he said. I closed my eyes and screamed inside. The man was great, he said, " Fireball? I love the name Fireball". And kept walking.

Not only has he changed his name, he has changed some of our names. I guess he changes only the ones he doesn't like. My dad is now Clerance, I am Bianca, Steve is Jethrow, Michael is Super Mike, Mason id Water Ball, and Mom is Her Royal Highness. I think Mom had a say in her name! LOL! He didn't change Hilary or Jacob's names, he must like those.

Funny that he remembers all the new names. He's only 2. I hope he goes back to Zach before September. I don't know how his teachers will re-act to calling him Fireball.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Those crazy Lunn kids

Finally an ok one!

Hilary at her graduation from Preschool.

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