Those crazy Lunn kids

My kids are crazy. It is in their blood. They do and say crazy things. Sit, grab a beer and read about all the reasons why I drink!

Location: Nova Scotia, Canada

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Hilary's take on Santa

Those crazy Lunn kids

She came home from school before Christmas break and told me that one of the kids in her class told her that there was no Santa, that it is just a parent doing it all. I asked her what she told the little girl and her answer was so Hilary.

" I told her that there has to be a Santa, because if my mom had any money, she'd spend it on herself, not on toys, DUH!"

She also came home from the Pratt and Whitney Christmas Party excited.

"Momma, momma it was the real Santa! It had to be him, he told me that I was a whole year older, and taller than I was last year. Who else would know that???"

Zac and Santa

Those crazy Lunn kids

Zachary's asthema was really bothering him the last day of school. He had to have a mask while there. Doesn't he look happy??

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Zac and Santa. He told him he didn't decide yet what he wanted, but he'd let him know.

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Thursday, December 14, 2006


Those crazy Lunn kids

Right now, Princess Hilary's main goal is to get on the Ellen show. She even emailed her (Well, I typed, she dictated) tonight. I think she has a thing against her personally. She says she loves her but remember back in June last year,

She wants to take over her show! She is not happy entertaining all of us, she needs a world wide audience. I get it now!

She's been asking for a bit how she can get on the show. She wants to dance with Ellen. When we are dancing in the kitchen, she'll say "this is what Ellen should do"

Watch out Ellen, she's on her way! LOL!

Silly Trends

Those crazy Lunn kids

I thin k this is one Mikeis going to shake his head at in a couple years (maybe even tomorrow). The boys around here are wearing tight tight tight pants. They look so silly. He went from wearing pants that were way too big to this.........
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They are so tight that he cannot sit, bend or even walk right. His underwear are hanging out the top because they are low riders that are about 3 sizes too small. Hopefully this will embarass him enough to make him stop the insanity. BTW, these are thrown away now, never to be worn again by this child.

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Christmas Concert 2006

Those crazy Lunn kids

Hilary is on the far right, in the purple dress behind the microphone.
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Doing the Penguin poka
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Giving Steve a look. She said "Just because I am dancing with a boy does NOT mean he is my boyfriend!"
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Such a lady......legs wide open on stage
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Jake in the middle
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The next all-star goalie is.........

Those crazy Lunn kids


In my butterfly
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Goalie Stance
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Hair cuts!

Those crazy Lunn kids

Hilary before

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Jacob got his done too!
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My Little Halloween Pumpkin

Those crazy Lunn kids

Hilary has lost all of her teeth and new ones are coming in, little by little.

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Dancing fools

Those crazy Lunn kids

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