Those crazy Lunn kids

My kids are crazy. It is in their blood. They do and say crazy things. Sit, grab a beer and read about all the reasons why I drink!

Location: Nova Scotia, Canada

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Flyers Spirit

Jacob and Mike play for the Sackville Flyers Hockey team. Our team colours are Orange, white and black. Jacob's team are in a tournament this march break (and doing surprisingly well). So, with having such great team spirit, the kids decided to die their hair. I am going to after this blond crap is out of my hair. I am afraid it will all fall out if I do it again with the orange. Anyway here are some pictures of the fools.

Oh and by the way, it does not wash out, the hair will grow, right? You only live once, might as well have fun while you are here!

Jacob before
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After (he has a mohawk too now)
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Hilary has an orange streak in her hair, right in the front. And for the love of all that is good, PLEASE tell her you see it if you see her. She is devastated that it is not bright enough. Heaven forbid someone else have more attention than her.
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Zac looks like the kid on the Incredibles movie who wants to be Mr. Incredible. Ozone or womething like that. He just keeps staring at himself. He asked me if he could have it sticking up forever, even when he is dead. It is all about death for somereason right now.
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Mike is too cool for school. He just has a regular hair cut. Someof you may not have realized Mike was actually a Michael not a Michelle from the long hair he has had the past couple years. I can't believe how old he looks now with his short hair. I want my baby back!
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Thursday, March 08, 2007

A few more pictures

Here are a few more.

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We went skating last Sunday, I put a bandanna pn Hilary's head to hold back her hair. She was skating around the rink like this......
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It fell over her eyes. Guess the hair might have been easier to see through.

Hilary's birthday party

Hilary's birthday is New Year's Eve, as you all know. It is so hard to do anything around that time of year, I think everyone is just partied out by then. So we waited until February to have her party.

She had 6 friends come for the night. They made their own English Muffin pizzas, decorated cupcakes, made a craft, painted nails and watched a movie then went to bed (notice how I didn't say went to SLEEP)

We started with 6, ended with 4. A couple went home around midnight, which I thought might have happened to them all, as it was everyone's first sleepover.

Here are some pictures.

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Z - Daddy can I say Jesus?
D - nope
Z- Can I say Christ?
D - Nope
Nanna - You can only say Jesus Christ in Church
Z- OK, then I can say I can say it at preschool because it is a church.
D & N - No you can not.

Skip to today at preschool.
Z - (to one of the kids) My Nanna and Daddy told me I am allowed to swear, but only at preschool.

Can you imagine what these parents think? Oh boy.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Whos down in Whoville

It was the week from hell this week. Our world was rocked, shook and thrown around. But out of all the shit that has happened (can I swear on here?), I have learned so much.

1) I have grown balls bigger then most men. I have gone into places that I should not have been in, talked to people I was scared to death of, talked back to police officers when they were asses and stuck up for my family when needed. Then went home and changed my pants because I had somewhere along the way shit in them!

2)I have the best family in the world. We will stick together like no-body's busimess when we have to. There is nothing in this world that is more important to me than my family and I thank god (or whatever it is I am talking to) everyday that I have them. I am nothing without them. The complete me. Ok, enough of that.

3) I can go a week with about 2-3 hours of sleep a night. Well, except last night when I did not sleep at all.

4) The world at night can look so peaceful from my son's bedroom window and yet you know the monsters are still out there. It is the craziest thing. I can look at Zac's angel face (remember he is sleeping) and look out into the night and feel a moment of pure bliss then a car/truck drives by and the fear is back again.

5) 6 people can sleep in a queen size bed, not comfortably but it can be done to calm my nerves.

6) You can feel every emotion there is all at once. It is not the easiest thing to understand, and it feels weird but it happens. Shitty.

7) 12 year old can become cops. Really! One of the police that morning looked like he hadn't hit puberty yet. I bet his gun was of the water type!

8) My Daddy can still make me laugh even when my world is falling down around me. His hug can cure the world of all evil in my eyes.

9) My mom is my hero. She is one of the strongest women, no, people I know. Where most would crack and give up, she has marched through it all with her head held high and hair and makeup pefect. I think I know where I get my balls from! Through all this she stands by her kids. Unconditional love. It is amazing what love a mother has for her children. If everyone could feel just 1% of the love my parents have for us, the world would be a better place!

10) The Who's down in Whoville are alive and well, only they are known as the Sackville Mafia now. As we were cleaning up glass last Tuesday I realize the Grinch did not get us down, we still came together, we over came the evil that is those awful people. We stood side by side, together, supporting one another, singing like the Who's did in the movie. Only someone called the police on us because they figured we were on drugs. Just kidding. We didn't sing and noone called the cops, they were already there. But we did get through it (so far) together and for now all in one piece. I just hope the grinch's heart grows and grows. And grows and grows and grows until it pops inside his slimy chest and he dies a long hard death. Oops. Sorry got a little off track.

I just wish the world could be peaceful. As peaceful as the look on my son's face sleeping with his teddy bear his big brother gave him, and his hand down his pants. That is my wish for all.

Did you know, we only have 3 fingers on each hand?

Hilary had her birthday party sleepover a couple weekends ago (I'll post pictures tomorrow). One of the things we did was paint their nails. We did Zac's also (And Jeff and Will's too!!!).

The other day Zac asked me to put blue nail polish on his nails. I said no, daddy doesn't want you to have nail polish on your finger nails.

He looks sad, then a HUGE smile comes across his face, he looks at me and sticks his thumbs in my face. "THESE are thumb nails, not finger nails Mamma"

So we painted his thumb nails. Then he looks at me again with his pinkies in the air. "Mamma, I think these are pinkies, not fingers!"

So he now has his thumb and pinky nails painted blue. And Daddy cannot say a word, we didn't paint finger nails after all!

WAY to smart for his own good

Or mine. Zachary is a thinker, he always was. He'd be thinking of ways to get on the counter to get the cookies, or getting stuck on the bathroom counter trying to get Mike's tooth brush, and lots other.

He just learned how to print his name and is very proud. So proud infact that he is printing it all over my walls. For awhile it was big "Z"s everywhere, then "Zac"s now it is "Zachary". I talk to him each time I find a new autograph, tell him to use paper, not my walls.

Yesterday I found a new "Zachary" by the front door. I brought him over to it and
I asked "Who did that"
Z "I don't know"
Me "Zachary, it is your name"
Z after a minute of thinking "Well, you know, Michael knows how to spell my name"
Me "Zach, mommy knows it was you and I told you lots of times not to write on my walls"
Z "Oh, ok now I know. You meant all of the walls, I thought you only meant that one" Pointing to my living room.

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